- oceans.colormaps.ctopo_pos_neg_cm(m=256)[source]¶
Colormap for positive/negative data with gray scale only original from cushman-roisin book cd-rom.
- oceans.colormaps.get_color(color)[source]¶
- oceans.colormaps.zebra_cm(a=4, m=0.5, n=256)[source]¶
Zebra palette colormap with NBANDS broad bands and NENTRIES rows in the color map.
The default is 4 broad bands
cmap = zebra(nbands, nentries)
Hooker, S. B. et al, Detecting Dipole Ring Separatrices with Zebra Palettes, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, vol. 33, 1306-1312, 1995
Saturation and value go from m to 1 don’t use m = 0. a = 4 -> there are this many large bands in the palette.